Will finish telling this story later
It had rained, and now was cloudy. And windy. Some days I enjoyed this type of weather, others days, like today, it just seemed to be appropriate.
I was sitting on what used to be my usual spot on the couch. Slightly centered in the room, next to the end table where I would place my coffee or beer, depending on the time of day.
Today it was coffee, in my travel mug, and I set it on the coffee table in-front of me. She moved the couch at some point, I’m not sure why.
“I talked to an attorney.”
I heard her say the words and instinctually stared out the bay window, softly petting Lucy, my shi tzu, who was curled up next to me, blissfully unaware of what had just happened.
The clouds were moving by quickly, the wind must have picked up.