@dwalbert Appreciate it :-)
@dwalbert Appreciate it :-)
@Annie Thanks!
@jaheppler Received and replied! Thanks for reaching out!
@Ronguest thank you!
@thedimpause love this photo! the one going in for a landing seems to be shouting, "CANNON BALLLLLL!"
@Annie amen and amen. and amen :-)
@kaa this is one of my repeat shows, have lost track of how many times I've watched it. The characters are perfect, their development always offers a surprise with each rewatch. The period, the wardrobes, everything about it is amazing :-)
@kirk Yeah, lacking in leather for sure 😂 and thank you, I'm happy with how this one is turning out so far!
@alexink Ha! Had to look up who that is, classic!!
@jaheppler Thank you!
@odd Agreed! A bit cleaner than a buckle maybe...personal preference though. Will have both options available once I start selling these.
@cdevroe agreed! Got coffee on a cold morning kinda can’t be beat.
@maique You've had coffee though, right?!?!
@maique oof…so…yeah, this is interesting. Guess get a fire going to boil water and start hand grinding!
@maique scheduled outage?
@leBonheur That exactly, that is the intent behind all of what I make! Glad that is something that stands out!
@alexink be safe out there!
@jean it was a good day teaching him, an opportunity I'm thankful to have once a week this school year!
@jean Same! Have a few other themed products in-progress with them. Make for a great fall and winter look.
@alexink one day!!
@ericmwalk September for sure!
@Vincent Thank you! And same :-) One of my most used designs at this point!
@Mikehendley this is beautiful!
@odd lots of detail going into this bag :-)
@antonzuiker if I was in NC I would absolutely do this. Hope something can work out!