Good morning, and welcome to Wednesday, October 11th.
The month just continues to move, and I continue to do this on a daily basis, so I’m looking forward to continuing that, and I’m happy that I’ve been able to up to this point.
Excuse me.
All right, so today’s Grateful Law, Gratitude Journal, what have you.
Number one on the list is being able to remind myself of my goals and what I am working towards.
The context here is I tend to get extremely bogged down pretty quickly with just everything that I have going on, and I think a universal truth here is that when we are in the midst of a lot of stuff going on, we can forget about what we are actually doing all this stuff for, and as I am approaching a very busy time of year for my leather work with the Christmas retail season that is approaching, you know, on top of that approaching the flipping around of how the income is generated, so leather will become full-time, IT consulting will become part-time, while also trying to, you know, remain present and available for Mozzie, my son, trying to make sure that I personally don’t go insane, so it can become kind of crazy, right?
And so I woke up kind of feeling like, why am I doing all of this?
What is the, what am I working towards exactly?
And I have this list written down, and so consulted that list, like, oh yeah, that’s right.
These are the goals that I have, and what I am, you know, currently doing, thankfully I am not off track, I am on track for everything that I am doing is actually contributing towards these goals that I established a while ago, so that is good.
I’m glad that I was able to, you know, very easily, number one, identify that I needed to look at the list, so like, hey, refresh your mind here, remind yourself what you’re working towards, and then I was able to find that list, so two pretty important things there.
Second up on the grateful log is having a good evening with Mozzie yesterday.
I’m thankful that he is pretty simple, right?
So just passing football with him, even though it was dark, we still have to figure that out.
But we did, we passed football despite the dark sky, so he had a good time doing that, I had fun doing that with him, so just had a good time with him last night.
And then finally is, again, I know I’ve mentioned this before, I will become with this, it’s only, I think it’ll be, I don’t know, anyways, I will begin to repeat some things.
Hopefully not days in a row, but across weeks, or maybe months, we’ll see trends.
Morning pages to plan the day.
So not just morning pages, but sometimes I use that writing time to, or I need to use it to plan the day, and it’s a very helpful time to do that.
You know, again, I just kind of go off of what I think my brain needs to do, and today it needed to plan the day to make sure that I was mapping or lining things up appropriately for the day ahead, make sure I hit the end of the week successfully.
So yeah, that’s the Grateful Log today.
Again, I think I’ll keep it short and sweet so that I don’t allow myself a pause to get into something else, because that could very easily happen.
So all right, we’ll leave it there, happy Wednesday, I hope that you have a great Wednesday if you’re like me, near the beginning of your day.
If you’re at the end of it, I hope it was awesome, and that you had a great day, and you’re able to rest up for getting into tomorrow.
So until then, take it easy, see ya.