Good enough!
Good enough!
Did what was necessary to be with friends tonight.
Making a place for everything.
One day soon the sun will shine again!
Starting simply this morning.
This morning’s soundtrack 🎧.
She digs the new blanket.
Brew day today.
Her afternoon siesta.
One more cup of coffee is required before the morning comes to an end.
If you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip?
Thinking tonight may be the night I settle into watch The Irishman. Will need to make sure I’m adequately supplied 🍿 🥃
Bright out there tonight.
Have the place to ourselves. Much needed quiet for both of us.
Work tip someone recently shared with me.
Stand up. Stretch. Take a walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.
Busy but good weekend. Ended with a trip to the Pennsylvania State Museum and an early birthday gathering to celebrate my thirty-fourth. Also tasted my first batch of home brew - surprisingly good! Will be making more :-)
4 stumps successfully removed. Exhausting but rewarding work. Relaxing before our dinner guests arrive.
Cut down three very large, overgrown, bushes today. Tomorrow, stump removal 🤞🏼
Quiet house for a few more minutes.
Been a day. Time for a Manhattan.