Practicing my scales.
Practicing my scales.
Many people die at twenty-five and aren’t buried until they are seventy-five.
Benjamin Franklin 💬
This will be fun! (cc: @rnv).
I hate Mondays.
Garfield 💬
Custom solution.
It worked!
Next small woodworking project is a simple stand for the lids that otherwise lay at the bottom of a cabinet. Did a rough cut and it worked! Spent the evening preparing the final board. It will hold five lids (in theory 😬).
Tools: hand planes, backsaw, chisel.
Shooting board is coming along well. Removable fence is a success!
The option to mute keywords in @gluon is phenomenal. Thank you @vincent 🙏
Made some shavings in the shop tonight.
Finished making the bent earlier this week. Essentially a saw horse, a companion to the saw bench for supporting longer boards.
Starting a new notebook - Yosemite National Park from Series A of the Field Notes National Parks edition.
Made a drawing bow today. Will help with laying out curves.
Have a few shop projects in the works. Finished the first, which is a saw bench. All hand tools. All parts cut from a single 1”x12”x8’ board. This thing is going to be used a lot! Will start making the bent tomorrow.
Finished the Easter gift for mozzie yesterday. All hand tools. Happy with how it turned out. (Same design is on the other side as well).
Wrapped up Ozark S3 last night (still moved by the mental illness aspect introduced) and now settling in to start Narcos Mexico S2.
Spent the day here.
Really been cleaning out my rss subscriptions the past few weeks.
Found the problem, and then fixed it!